Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I found this and I have to share. Such great words of wisdom at this time in my life. I hope it makes the warm fuzzy feeling in your belly as it did in mine.

"Here is what I have learned in my 30 years (which isn't much much but it might be enough):

#1) Everything is perfect. Including you. You are perfect. Right now. Exactly how you are, you're perfect. Close your eyes. Breathe in. That air? Perfect. Your greasy hair and dry feet and tummy roll and hairy legs are perfect. I'm not kidding. It's all perfect.

#2) You know that place you were trying to get to this whole time? The destination that made you feel guilty and stressed and hurried and not good enough? The place that would suddenly appear when you had enough or were enough? You're there! You made it! It was here, this whole time! So you can stop trying so hard, stop rushing and yelling and getting upset and putting others down. Stop judging, stop regretting, stop worrying, stop waiting, stop looking back, stop wishing, stop planning, you're here now. And it's perfect. Did I mention that already? It's true. You're here and everything is perfect, including you.

And I'm 30 now, I feel old and young and loved and lonely and selfish and sweaty and grateful and tired and creative and content and I'm here. And I'm perfect too."--Cori Kindred


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